Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers

Class A: Ordinary combustibles – wood, paper, cloth, rubber and plastics Class B: Flammable liquids – petrol, oil, spirits and grease Class F: Cooking fats, lard, butter and oils

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers in England

Action you need to take to protect your business

Looking for cooking fire extinguishers? There’s only one class F extinguisher suitable for use – wet chemical ones.

Other fire extinguishers, if used on cooking oil, lard or fat fires will simply spread them out further. Class F, wet chemical extinguishers release their contents as a fine mist, so this doesn’t happen. They also have a long reach hose, so you won’t get splashed with burning oil.

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers will help you:

Keep your business, employees and visitors safe

Meet building insurance requirements, we work closely with insurers

Enables the ability to respond to specific fires, possibly saving lives and assets

Comply with British legislation and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

Protect your assets

Call us today for a no obligation quote!


Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers installed to date


Certified trained employees


Successful Projects


Years of experience

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers in England

Advanced Fire Extinguishers for Ultimate Peace of Mind in your business

Choose us for more than just fire safety — get a comprehensive solution that enhances the overall security and resilience of your business.

Our Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers

Only Kitchen, Class F Fire Extinguisher

  • For fires involving cooking oils and fat

No Harmful Splash Backs

  • The extinguishing agent is released as a fine mist

Long Reach Lance

  • So you can fight the fire from a safer distance

Can Also Be Used For Class A And B Risks

  • For fighting other fires you can get in kitchens